Great article by Dion Hinchcliffe! Click here.
A good way to explain WebCenter Suite technology and philoshopy without need to talk about the products.
This is related with the 8th key aspect Dion writes in his article:
8. The technology competence organizations have today are inadequate for moving to 2.0. This is key if you're a CTO or CIO today; your organization is almost certainly not ready to handle the development, management, scalability, identity, governance, and openness issues around 2.0. If you're not sure, just ask your IT staff. Examples include cloud computing, open APIs, mashups, rich user experiences, Web-Oriented-Architecture, community platforms, Enterprise 2.0, 2.0-era computing stacks like Rails and Django, are all disciplines that are considerable in their own right, of rapidly growing importance to organizations in the 2.0 era. These are all likely to be things your staff needs to come up the learning curve on in significant ways and with the rate of change on the network what it is presently, falling behind is too easy to do. Note: The existing technology landscape of most organizations will have to change as well which is where Web-Oriented Architecture (WOA) is getting quite a bit of attention today. And the Web products themselves have moved far beyond the model of the Web page and most enterprises are very far behind.
Ten Key Aspects of Web 2.0 Strategy
1. It's not about technology, it's about the changes it enables
2. The implications of 2.0 stands many traditional views on their head and so change takes more time than usual.
3. Get the ideas, concepts, and vocabulary out into the organization and circulating.
4. Existing management methods and conventional wisdom are a hard barrier to 2.0 strategy and transformation.
5. Avoiding external disruption is hard but managing self-imposed risk caused by 2.0 is easier.
6. Incubators and pilots projects can help create initial environments for success with 2.0 efforts.
7. Irreversible decisions around 2.0 around topics such as brand, reputation, and corporate strategy can be delayed quite a while, and sometime forever.
8. The technology competence organizations have today are inadequate for moving to 2.0.
9. The business side requires 2.0 competence as well.
10. Start small, think big.